From carmen, Age 16 - 06/08/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
im going to cry. My mom just told me to get my fat face out of the kitchen and she told me ive been eating all day. The thing is ive been trying to eat less and no junk this whole past week and she keeps on telling me im still eating all day and im ready to give up. I just ate 1/2 cup of 98% fat free ice cream, not the worst I could have done but I still feel quilty and thanks to my mom now i feel very very fat and unmotivated, please help!
Reply from Michelle, Age 17 - 06/09/04  - IP#:
tell her to shove it and that your weight is probably a reflection of your mom's parenting or whatever. But odnt owrry, we're here to support you
Reply from Cherry, Age 12 - 06/08/04  - IP#:
Well first of all your mom is not being supportive and it's her fault you're eating and feel miserable. You should tell her how you feel about her saying things like that. If she keeps on doing it say mean things to her!
Reply from Lacey - 06/08/04  - IP#:
I guess you should tell your mother that you are trying to lose weight and that you need her there to suport you tell her that you have been trying to loose wieght and it really doesn't help when she calls you names