From Katherine, Age 14 - 05/24/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey everybody, tomorrow i am starting the atkins diet, i am so exiceted- i am doing it with my mom. I've read the book and the things they say really do help. Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!
Reply from juststrange, Age 12 - 05/27/04  - IP#:
agrees with last post. (ketosis means, liver realising horrible toxins into your body, and blood sugar skyrocketing)
Reply from Michelle, Age 17 - 05/25/04  - IP#:
Atkins is one of the most unhealthiest diets of all! Dr.Atkins died at 44 of a frikin heart attack! Meat has a ton of saturated fats, cholesterol, drugs, steroids, growth hormones, and antibiotics. Your body goes into a state of Ketosis while on Atkins, and becuae you dont have carbs for your body to burn, it starts taking stuff away from all the good stuff that you have. Meat in general isn'[t good. If you're gonna be on the Atkins, do it while eating vegetables that are high in protein. Yeesh, just the thought of it is gross. And basically with Atkins, you can eat anything taht doens't have carbs in it. So basically that's like waht..a stirng of butter? My friend recently had to go to the hospital after being on the Atkins for a year. She was so skinny, and her body didn't ahve anything for her to burn..and it started eating away and the nutrients and she passed out. dont do this to yourself!
Reply from rebecca, Age 12 - 05/25/04  - IP#:
your so lucky u have ur mom to help u
Reply from juststrange, Age 12 - 05/25/04  - IP#:
ok, first of all, im a girl, im not into diet sterotypes, considering the amount my own gets, however, the first part of atkins has a very low amount of carbs, and it makes it very hard to get a proper amount of veggies( cuz they have a ton of carbs) so, other than the indution phase thingy, i think simply watching ur carbs but not goint overboard on the protien is ok. try to aviod getting more then the amount of protien u need, cuz to much protien can cuase calcium loss in the bones, and u wouldnt want that.
Reply from MissyK, Age 18 - 05/25/04  - IP#:
I've been on Atkins a few months ago. It does work well, and in my opinion, it's safer than other diets that make you starve yourself. But do be careful, as you will gain weight back quickly if you don't follow the diet strictly. That's what happened to me.
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 05/25/04  - IP#:
That's great. Low carb does work very well. I've done it and stayed healthy, so I really don't see why people critisize him so much.
Reply from chelsea, Age 15 - 05/25/04  - IP#:
hey..atkins is just as safe as any other diet. people may think it gives you high colseteral and that it damages your liver but that has not been proven. How ever...carbs are something you body needs to function so after you reach your goal please add in some healthy carbs like wheat bread and a lot of veggies and fruits. but anyway I just started that Atkins diet myself. I feel like I'm eating to much but I'm losing weight and I'm feeling really good. There is a part of me that is thinking about my health and I'm going to go to the doctors in a few weeks just to check up and make sure this is a good diet for me.
By the way..the reason you cannot get high colesteral on the atkins diet is because after the first 2 days you body turns into a fat burning machine..and when your body is told to burn fat twenty four seven it can not lay down fat..not on your body..not in your heart..believe me its totally safe but its just a little hard to stick to. well..good luck everyone..and I dont think juststrange is annoying because i could see why he would think the way he does about it..I mean look at all the fat in the diet..but if he knew more about it he wouldnt think the way he does. later ppl
Reply from Zach, Age 16 - 05/25/04  - IP#:
juststrange has no idea what they are talking about. I have been on Atkins for 2 months. My doctor said its fine, and it has worked really well. If anything, Im healthier than I was, so it being unhealthy is that bs that the majority of people say because they don't understand it and think its weird cuz its different.
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 05/25/04  - IP#:
juststrange doesn't seems to know anything about the things they're marking as unhealthy! you don't make any argument as to why it's unhealthy- which in my opinion isn't because it's proven to lower the risk of heart disease...
Reply from juststrange, Age 12 - 05/24/04  - IP#:
atkins is totally unhealthy, and i do not support such an unhealthy risky way to lose weight.
Reply from ????? - 05/24/04  - IP#:
tell me how it goes ok