From jenn, Age 14 - 05/23/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I need to lose 25 pounds in about 3 months! I am going to try this diet plan...breakfast-cereal and skim milk...lunch-1 piece of whole wheat toast and a banana...snack-stawberries...dinner-grilled chicken. plus 8 glasses of water and an hour of exersize u think i ccan reach my goal if i can stay strong???
Reply from ~kAiTlYn~, Age 14 - 05/23/04  - IP#:
Eat more, you will get bored and quit the plan!! If your weight goes up one week just work harder the next week by eating good foods for you and exercising more, I hope I helped!
Reply from anne to sara, Age 17 - 05/23/04  - IP#:
banana's don't have that many calories- they're only a bit more then apples. and the bananas have more fiber then apples- though apples are good for thier other vitamins...
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 05/23/04  - IP#:
more veggies! that's not a very balanced meal-plan. good with the fruits and but you could use a little bit more protien and definately don't forget the veggies! eat at least 2-3 servings!
Reply from chelsea, Age 15 - 05/23/04  - IP#:
Don't eat the same thing everyday cuz that will get really old. you do need to get everything in..all the stuff that everyone mentioned..protein, calcium, etc. but you cant just eat the same thing everyday..I can but It will get old and you'll probably mess up on it. Just eat whatever your parents have in the house and dont you should exersize..kk well I'm out..Peace
Reply from Sara, Age 15 - 05/23/04  - IP#:
To successfully lose weight you should add more calcium to your diet. Having low-fat or non-fat dairy products helps you lose weight and calcium is essential for teens. Also some vegetables can provide calcium, and it's important to have at least 3 servings of veggies every day because of the vitamins and fiber in them (fiber helps you lose weight because eating high-fiber foods fills you up so you don't eat as much). Protein is also an important nutrient and not eating enough means low energy, just don't eat too much because many high protein foods are also high in fat. One more suggestion, try replacing that banana with an apple or other fruit, bananas have a lot of calories and apples don't. Bananas are good because they're a good source of potassium but I wouldn't eat them every day.
Reply from Melissa, Age 14 - 05/23/04  - IP#:
you should probably add a bit more protein and vegetables to your diet. you're supposed to have 2-3 servings of protein a day.
Reply from Annie, Age 14 - 05/23/04  - IP#:
r u the gurl that emailed me before? i would put salad into ur diet and instead have whole wheat toast in the morning instead of cereal (cauze it really isn't healthy- no matter what kind) and have a salad for lunch. but everything else sounds good! :D ~Annie
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 05/23/04  - IP#:
yes you can reach your goal and that is a good diet plan u have fruit which is always good grain for energy and calcium for strong bones and then u also have the water which is always good and excercise for an hr which is good maybe only excercise 4-6 days a week and have 1-3 days of break so u dont get tired and when u r breaking do toneing and all the other days do cardio and u will see results but u have to follow it good and try giving up pop thats whut im doing and i dont have pop that much but not as much as i use to. Well good luck and keep posting on ur results