From fgh, Age 15 - 05/19/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
every body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! post your average diet on a day..... example: 8:00am 1xtoast/ 1:00pm 1xtoast/ 5:00pm salad +chicken.....
Reply from Michelle, Age 13 - 05/21/04  - IP#:
breakfast-two pieces toast...lunch-fruit with yogurt...dinner-yogurt!! And thats my day its been working for me!!
Reply from KAITLYN, Age 14 - 05/19/04  - IP#:
6:30-toast w/ peanut butter and blackberry jelly w/ skim milk 11:30-one piece pizza w/ chocolate skim milk 3-some kind of snack, usually junk food(bad me) 5:30-some kind of meat w/ bread some kind of veg and/or fruit 8:00-Some kind of food mostly junk (ha!)
Reply from meeee, Age 14 - 05/19/04  - IP#:
This isn't average but this is what I ate yesterday.
6:30 Cerial and milk
11:15 2 penut butter and banana sandwiches on wheat bread
3:00 2 bowls of cerial and milk
7:00 melted cheeze sandwich on roll (it was pretty big)