From Mary, Age 18 - 05/18/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
CAN ANYONE PLEASE HELP ME........... please tell me what to do to lose at least 5 pounds a week.....
Reply from bob - 05/20/04  - IP#:
Dont listent to these people i lost 5 pounds in 1 day and im healthy im not sick all i did was eat normal with no snacks in between and i ran for 10 minitues on a treadmille i dont know if u have a treadmille but thats what i did so its not harmfull to lose 5 pounds a week
Reply from chelsea, Age 15 - 05/18/04  - IP#:
you need to understand that weight loss takes time..true weight loss..and that you cant lose 5 pounds a might your first week..but most of it will be water weight anyway. the most you should lose a week is 2 pounds..and thats it. I'm sorry but someone needs to say this to you. trust me..if i could lose 5 lbs of fat a week and it was healthy I would..but thats impossible..good on losing a pound a week..maybe two.
Reply from Dawn, Age 14 - 05/18/04  - IP#:
do NOT lose 5 lbs a week...that is really unhealthy...DONT!!! LOSE!!! 5!!! LBS!!!! A WEEK!!!! its sooo unhealthy!!! i wanna help u guys as much as possible...but what u can do is eat breakfast and lunch but not supper and use ur supper time to exercise and drink ALOT of water....grape FRUIT juice helps burn fat....and for lunch n breakfast eat healthy...stay away from ALL junk food....dont drink NO pop!!! GOOD LUCK!!! =)