From Stacey, Age 15 - 04/27/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I have to do a report in my english class about teens who are overweight. I need to know how it feels to be overweight in High School and if you feel you get treated differently. Do the other kids make fun of you or call you names? Has your weight caused you any health problems? Do the teachers treat you differently? Do you have a lot of friends? Any other thoughts or comments would be really helpful. Thank you to anyone who can help me out.
Reply from Selbia, Age 11 - 05/02/04  - IP#:
You are such a fag you need to BACK OFF form this site. It's for people who need help, not for people who want to study overweight CHILDREN like bugs. At least go to an ADULT website, then it own't be so personal. Anyways, you're a bitch for trying to pry into our personal lives like that.
Reply from That's pretty mean..., Age 13 - 04/28/04  - IP#:
I agree! I think it's pretty rude to say that. I mean we aren't Guinea Pigs for your assignment! WHY don't you go to a site where they have comments from overweight people??? I mean that would be the easiest way to NOT offend anyone...unless you wanted to offend people...
I know that some people didn't think it was rude, but WHAT ABOUT the people who DID get offended!!! I don't think you should be coming to sites like this where people seek advice, and then say that you want to use them in an assignment,like you would with an animal! Overweight people are the same as normal weight people or under weight people or people with a sickness or deformity, we are ALL PEOPLE! Don't hurt people's feelings and lower their self esteem just for an assignment.
This is what I think, so please no one say that I am over reacting because this is what I felt when I read the original message. Thnx.
Reply from _____________________, Age 11 - 04/27/04  - IP#:
I think that it is awfully rude to go and ask people stuff like that, it is very hard for some people to go to school because they think so lowly of themselves. Don't you dare ask someone ANYTHING like that again, because it's people like you, poking your nose in when it's not your business, who make them feel so bad, feeding and reporting on their troubles and woes. Go find somewhere else for your project.
Reply from tifanie, Age 15 - 04/27/04  - IP#:
Hi im a sophmore in high school and am borderline overweight. People treat me the exact same as others but im still very insecure. Due to being overweight i now have bad knees and hav trouble running long distances without getting lightheaded. that is about it, hope it helps.
Reply from luvly1, Age 15 - 04/27/04  - IP#:
I'm overweight... infact I weigh 250, and in middle school, i was traeted differently. I had sorta alot of friends but not everyone was cool like them. I know kids talked about me, and i felt like an outsider, like i was resticted of doing certain things, even though I wasn't. Peeps kinda ignored me, and probably didn't even relize when i was there or not.The teachers were cool though, they did treat me a little different, they kinda looked out for my feelings, but i think they may have been like that with everyone. Now I'm in high school, it's cool cause no one talks crap about me and i got like a billion friends. I haven't been laughed at or talked about at all this year. I dont know why its so different, but its much betta than middle school. Peeps is just respestive and stuff, they just like who i am and how i act. O yea, and da teachers treat me the same as all the other kids.
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 04/27/04  - IP#:
Sorry but I agree that it is a little rude. You are doing exactly what your report is supposed to be about. You are treating us differently and singling us out. Why is it that we are so different? Are we interesting creatures to be studied by scientists and other people? I DON"T THINK SO! WE ARE REGULAR PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU!!!!
Reply from ray*ray, Age 13 - 04/27/04  - IP#:
Hey! I'm not in High School, I'm in Junior High but if you want I'll answer the questions me at
Reply from ashley, Age 14 - 04/27/04  - IP#:
hey, ma name is ashley. the computer messed it up. email me if yah need ta
Reply from hey, Age 14 - 04/27/04  - IP#:
if doesn't offend me. here is the truth, about being overweight or fat. when u are younger u get picked on alot. i am gonna tell yah ma story. ma grndma picked on me and alway's called me a fat pig. so i have problems from that. i was so worried about what she said that i have tried ta kill myself 5 times. and have been in and out of hospitals. if u see me i lok normal but no one knows what happens at home. my mom has even called me fat ass. so i am kinda used ta it. i am sliming up. i weigh160 and am 5'1. i used ta be 180. plus boys start ta like u more. in public u feel self conuious about how u look. if u have any queation stacey, email me at i will give u any information i can and help u ta the best of ma abitily. take care and god bless.