From mikayla, Age 13 - 04/16/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I'm sick of anorexia stereotypes! People seem to think that we are all stick thin skeletons that think a cracker will make us fat. We aren't allowed to go on the chat rooms because it is "offensive to the overweight people."Well newsflash i am anorexic and i am 30 pounds overweight, and I eat more than a cracker a day. I just eat under 1000 calories. I'm recovering, but I feel like I am being pushed away.
Reply from ashley, Age 14 - 04/17/04  - IP#:
i no! i am aneroxic too. and belimic. but iam recovering fromthe belimic part. all i know is i don't wanta get fatter. and all aneroxics aren't as skinny as some think. u can't see ma ribs!
Reply from brianna - 04/17/04  - IP#:
i have suffered from bulimia-anorexia for 2 years i am now recovered but i was extremly unhappy with my weight..i did everything not to gain weight but than i got help it was hard took about 6 months i also saw a dietian and got better....before you start ANYTHING i need remind you..recovery is important first than steady weight loss..dont do this alone my need outside help once recovered you can start weightloss..but once your still in your eating disorder its not healthy to start "diets" well i dont think its healthy for anyone to start "diets" its the number 2 killer in the united states...look it up if you dont believe need to be happy with yourself before you start this undergoing process of losing weight or you may not stop losing weight because of the satisfaction of it...take care of to your parents about help...when your in the hospital they will sign you up with a nutritionist they are the people who will help you lose weight slowly but surely while you are recovering from your disorder...dont do it ALONE...recover 1st step..take care lots of love
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 04/17/04  - IP#:
well- it's hard for people to see what angle you're coming at if they haven't been there. i get annoyed at people who starve themselves(even though i try not to because i know it's mainly a mental thing) because they're abusing their bodies and i feel that weight loss should be done in a healthy way. hell, everything should! but i also don't feed into some of the stereotypes either, like thinking that everyone that has anorexia is thin, because i know that you don't have to be to develope the disorder, and same goes for bulemia. but i also think that you shoul;d be welcome because we're all here for giving and recieving support and i realize that you need that now very much because of what you're trying to deal with. then again, i urge you to stay healthy and to boost up your calories to 1200 and exersize regualarly and such. good luck.
Reply from chelsea, Age 15 - 04/17/04  - IP#:
as a recovered anorexic of 5 years..i just don't want anyone else to go down that road. as a matter of fact im falling back into that track again. You should be glad no body else wants to do can kill them. I'll pray and I'm glad your recovering..but don't get mad at the guys that think its stupid because it is. even though I do it i still think its stupid. I just want to let you know that I don't think It's a matter of them hating anorexics or being steriotypes.. I think its a matter of if everyone excepted it ..this site would turn into a pro ana site..and that shouldnt happen. I do see you point of veiw though..just don't take what ppl are saying the wrong way..They just don't need to hear about anorexics when they are struggling with their weight..chels