From nikki, Age 22 - 04/05/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hello, well i have been checking this site out for a while now, i must say that it's great that so many people ARE LOSING WEIGHT, IA M 260 LBS FOR RIGHT NOW. I REALLY WANT AND NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT . HOWEVER I WANT TO DO IT SAFELY and natural.i have a gym membership to bally total fitness but have only gone about six times and thats sad not to mention a waste of my money . since so many of you have lost your weight maybe anyone who knows where i am coming from can help me out with some advice and maybe be a pen pal . it's also hard because i live at home right now and my parents do the food shopping and dont really eat that healthly most of the time . my e-mail is
Reply from V, Age 14 - 03/21/05  - IP#:
im having problems similar... maybe we could help each other