From MANDI, Age 14 - 04/03/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
does any body have any suggestions on how to get a flat stomach. i want to wear a bikini for this really hot guy. but i know that this is for me adn i REALLY want a flat stomach by JUNE 5th. please any thing would help me. please respond. thankz
Reply from Sarah, Age 16 - 04/03/04  - IP#:
First of all, if this guy is only going to like you with a flat stomach, I wouldn't do it. Do it for yourself.
I suggest doing situps,but when you do breath out and contract your abdominal muscles.
You don't need to do this alot: it won't make a difference if you do 10 or 100.
Also make sure you get adequate protein to build muscle. To find this out multiply your current weight by 0.36. That will be the amount of protein in grams.