From milly, Age 17 - 03/27/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hi I just wanted to post to let everyone know that it can be done. ive been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remember tryin fad diets to lose weight fast but gainin it all back plus more! I ended up at 224lbs!! I decided I couldn't keep doin this to myself so I joined weightwatchers...its fantastic!!! I know it'll take a while to lose all my weight but Ive lost 15.5lbs in 5 weeks & feel like I have been eating loads. Its not always easy but its possible & I know if I stick with it I can be 140 by this time next year. seems far away I know but I know that if I don't do this then i could b the same or even fatter this time next year!!
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 03/27/04  - IP#:
wow! keep it up!