From Lisa, Age 14 - 03/19/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hey read my post at the bottom of this message and tell me what you think!!!!Please I beg of you!!!lol!!!
Reply from Lisa, Age 14 - 03/19/04  - IP#:
Everywhere you look now it seems like there is something about a diet. How to lose weight, stay healthy, feel satisfied, on and on and on. There seems to be a million to choose from each promising basically the same results. There tons of books, just go to your library and see or a bookstore or both. You’ll see what I mean there is tons of books on it. But if it there so many diets, one that most likely pertains to you, why is so many people overweight or obese? You’d think everyone in the world would be skinny as a rail, or at least there would be no need for plus size clothing. The answer is quite simple.
One reason would be every time you turn the corner or drive down the road you see advertisements for fast food and not only that it is cheap. If you go to a fast food chain; like McDonald’s for example. As most of you know; if not all of you know; that there is a dollar menu at McDonald’s. For just three dollars you could get a cheeseburger, fries, and a drink. Not bad is it? Compared to the four or five dollars you’d have to spend to get a salad; which most people would know that a salad is much more healthier than a cheeseburger and fries. Plus not the word; fast; which means if you’re in a hurry you can get your meal in a minute or two, it basically just depends on how long the line is. With food so fast and cheap now a days you can see why people are overweight and obese. But that is just half the answer to why people are overweight and obese.
Another reason is restrictions. Suppose you do go on a diet. Most likely there is a good chance your kids or other family members will join along in the fun. While your enjoying just three ounces of chicken and some vegetables along with tea, a diet soda perhaps, or most likely water the rest of your family will be chowing down on vegetables, pasta, cookies, chocolate, or what other foods that you can think of that your family enjoys. And usually you see them eat and of course you want it so you give in and before you know there goes you diet.
It could also be restrictions that the diet has said. For example take the Atkins diet. On the Atkins diet you’re not allowed to have any pasta or bread. Now think about you day, or week; have you gone perhaps one day or even one meal without some pasta or bread? I don’t think so. The fast majority of us have endless amounts of pasta and bread. So your body is use to it and chances are you probably like it. So you’ll crave it and pretty soon you’ll wind up eating those forbidden carbs in no time at all.
There are other reasons why diets fail; people use food for comfort and many other things but those are basically the reasons why diets don’t work; restrictions and the feeling of being deprived. But that’s where things change in this diet. You can have your favorite foods, you can enjoy your favorite foods knowing that you can always have them the next day or the next meal or whenever.
So what do you say? Are you willing to try a new diet that will work for you? Come on, turn the page and see!
Oh yeah my diet is so easy to follow it doesn’t take three hundred pages to explain how it will work.