From tasha, Age 14 - 03/17/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hey um so if i wanted to lose weight how would i do that i heard about all these ppl losing weight and i want to know how they did it. i wnat to lose about 30 pounds. In the next 6-8 weeks. so if anyone knows how i cna do that please reply.
Reply from fat momma, Age 89 - 03/17/04  - IP#:
eat fruit and veggies, run at least 1 mile a day, see results fast!
Reply from erin, Age 14 - 03/17/04  - IP#:
30 pounds in 6-8 weeks is not healthy or realistic...i suggest shoter goals and longer time liek 10 pounds in 6 weeks so on and so forth
Reply from KMH, Age 14 - 03/17/04  - IP#:
Hey! once you put your mind to it, it doesnt have to be that hard, all you have to do is limit your calories, maybe to about 1200-1600 calories a day, and try to exercise 5 times or more a week about 40- 60 minutes, try to eat healthy, veggies, fruit, dairy, healthy carbs, also, keep a food diary, where you write down all you eat, you will be less likely to binge on foods like cookies or ice cream, try to eat smaller more frequent meals throughout the day, that will keep you from getting too hungry. This really works! Last year, i was 5 feet , and 136 pounds, i felt really bad about myself, i tried to follow this plan, and now im 5"2' and about 115, Its ok to eat sweets once in a while, but eat in moderation, also, a great book is the book by Dr. Phil's son, its filled w/ lots of great info about weight loss, YOU CAN DO IT!