From Kara, Age 14 - 02/24/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hey! I haven't been on in a while, but things haven't gone the greatest! Every week when I get on the scale, it says the same weight or sometimes more! I haven't eaten like I should, and I have been eating way too much! I had my 14th birthday party a few days ago, and it was so fun, but there was too much food and I pigged out I was like why did you do that? I can't find anything that I will stick with! I am trying yoga, and it does help me feel calmer and more confident, and plus I am more flexible. I haven't told you my stats...I don't think...I am 5'0 and 137 lbs. My goal is like 113-110 by April 20th-26th cuz our 8th grade class is going on a trip to Washington, D.C. and I want to be able to keep up with everyone.... Anyways, that's my update, if anyone has any suggestions, please post because I need some more help! See ya soon!
Reply from Stacie, Age 13 - 02/25/04  - IP#:
I'm going to washington, D.C May 14th for my 8th grade class field trip too!!! Tell me how it is..........thanks