From CIfFoRd, Age 15 - 11/16/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I NeEd SoMe HeLp I Am OnLy LeTtInG MySeLf EaT FrUiTs AnD VeGgIeS DuRiNg ThE DaY AnD I'm HuNgRY AnD My FrUiT AnD VeGgIe SuPpLy Is LoW OnLy HaVe CeLeRy WhUt ShOuLD I dO? PlEaSe RePlY AsAp. ThAnX
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 11/16/03  - IP#:
thanx anne but i figurd it out
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 11/16/03  - IP#:
pop some popcorn with a low amount of butter- technically it's a veggie. lol- and it's low in calories- sorry this is so late...