From KrIs, Age 13 - 11/10/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Today: 230 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - Hey Guys! I have tried so many diets i cant even imagine... weight watchers, Jenny Craig, Slim Fast, stop eating, and etc.. nothing ever works! there is this one time during the summer when ifirst came to this site when i lost 6 lbs in 2 days everyone was motivating me, and i was doing so good i got down to like 206 and now i am like almost 230! I am so depressed and sad, and there is this guy that is so nice and he even admitted he liked me for me and not my body. but i wanan look good when i meet him if i do which will be in July, and then all my ffriends are skinny, i wanna be able to run fast look good get guys play softball better, and so much more! I am now like i said ranging from 215-230 lbs and need major help! I am 5'6 or 5'7 and have six months to take off 100 lbs I wanna look awesome for the summer, and then my aunt I want my acne to go away too, which i will control after the weight is gone! I wanna start HIgh school as a new me with the same friends and more each yr, and i dun wanna be scared to go up in front of the class anymore!!! I wanna try out for sports and look good! but I cant! I also wanna make my breast size decreas meaning smaller is there any way?? also, I have stretch marks .. after I lose the weight how can o get them to go away?? Main areas where i need work are thighs, breast, stomach , and arms.. I am gonna try to sart a diet of sum sort this week, and my goal is to lose about 15 lbs every 3rd week!! Do u think i can do it?? any tips?? help?? diet plans?? exercises?? any thing that works!!! if ya need me e-mail me or im me Malmaniac4life or on Yahoo WildChildSoftballGal... thanks so much! and i hope yall can help! luv ya Kris!HELP ME PLEASE!May God be with everyoe!
Reply from Marla, Age 19 - 11/11/03  - IP#:
weight loss is a long process...You will be able to do it, the healthy amount of weight to loose / week is 2-3 ponds. The healthier you are about it the longer it will stay off. You have to remebr that loosing weight is a life style change, not an easy fix! Be good to yourself, count calories, exercise (even if its just walking around your neighborhood a few times or getting an exercise tape and do it in your room) once you start loosing weight you wont want to stop, make it fun. Set a goal and when you get down to it treat yourself but not with food! for example like when you loose 20 pounds take yourself out to a movie...ect. If you do it healthy and watch your caloric intake and exercise daily you will see a drastic decrease in weight and an increase in self-esteem! Keep at it! It is tought but in the end it is all worth it! Good luck!