From Kate, Age 14 - 11/03/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Today: 250 lb (BMI %tile: 98) - Hi! This is my first time posting, so I'm not really sure what to say, except some stuff about me! I'm 14, my name is Kate. I'm 5'3" and i weigh 250. I've been big all of my life but now it's really gotten out of control. I go to a cathoilc school and the largest size uniform skirt they make is a 25, which at the moment cuts off my circulation. I'm very tired of being "the big girl". I just want to be "Kate". I want to be sure that when my friends look at me, they see ME, and not my size. I love swimming, volleyball, singing although I'm not good at it, writing (mostly books), and I absolutely ADORE television. I understand that loosing weight is very difficult. The thin people just think if we don't eat as much, we'll lose weight, but it isn't that simple. I am down to a 900 calorie count a day, and I'm still not shedding a pound. It's impossible for me to eat less. They don't understand most of it is genetics, which is what is so frustrating about it. They don't get it. Anyways, I'm just looking for friends who understand how I feel, and who are working toward the same goals I am. :) Cya later! ~Kate
Reply from ray Ray or Rach, Age 12 - 11/04/03  - IP#:
Hey Kate, I've tried a million things to lose weight but I can't really say on them long enough but now that volleyball try-outs are coming I really want to lose some weight so I'm gunna stick to it no matter what!!! Oh yeah, I'm about 235 and 5'6. If you want to be diet buddies email me at
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 11/04/03  - IP#:
maybe some of the foods you're eating have more calories then you think- or maybe you're not following the serving size which is important. then again like you said it's probably not your eating. you should exersize regularly everyday and you'll be able to feel the difference after a while. becasue for me i exersized to lose weight(i'm still doing that) but now it's fun to exersize and i'm exersizing to become really fit. drink a lot of water like everyone says and eat more high fiber foods because what it does it it clings to certain things(depending on what type of fiber it is) and is unable to be digested so it moves slowly through your body and keeps you full and brings other bad stuff out of your body with it. certain fiber is good becasue it gets rid of cholesteral. good luck!
Reply from Veronica, Age 17 - 11/03/03  - IP#:
Hey Kate,
If calorie counting isn't working try a low carb diet. It forces your body to feed off of fat already stored there for energy. The first choice your body would rather feed off of is the carbs you eat, the second is the fat already on your body. If you have anymore questions email me at Hope you find the diet that works for you. -Veronica
Reply from :)), Age 15 - 11/03/03  - IP#:
Hey Kate! I'm glad you posted here. I am in almost the same situation. I would also like to talk to you more about it, and what I plan to do, and maybe we could help each other. My email is email whenever you want, if you want to GOOD LUCK!!!
Reply from Katie, Age 12 - 11/03/03  - IP#:
Hey Kate. Im 12 and weigh 106 i used to weigh 125. All you have to do is 20-50 crutches a day. asure me it'll help ALOT!;-)