From Emily, Age 13 - 10/02/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Can anyone tell me how to do the atkins diet w/out paying for special stuff on websites and stuff? everyone says it works good and i think it would work well for me! ( as long as i can stay away from fresh baked bread and butter slathered baked potatoes :))
Reply from emily, Age 17 - 12/01/03  - IP#:
dont u think ur a bit young to go on a diet and i ave heard of ppl that ave diead from that diet DONT DO IT?
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 10/03/03  - IP#:
i just stay away from sugar and bread and potatoes and a lot of things actually- i eat what everyone else is eating just minus the carbs- if i'm not sure of something i look up its nutrition facts on the net- it's working good for me so far- it's funny becasue i'm not haveing any cravings and i'm on my 3rd day- i feel pretty good- i think that sugar makes my body feel horrible- but yeah- just don't give in to the cravings and just eat cheese- meats- A LOT OF VEGETABLES! and things like that. good luck!
Reply from Maggie, Age 13 - 10/03/03  - IP#:
It is kind of hard to without buying stuff because a lot of the things that make it easy are the low carb candy, cookies, ice-cream, breakfast bars ect. You can do it though but it helps to have snacks that are low carb for when your hungrey. Good luck!