From kate, Age 16 - 08/12/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey people...yea, does anyone have any little snacks that are good and have less fat and what not? Hopefully you people can think of some good stuff so i can stop eating the same things. Thanx, Kate
Reply from hannah, Age 13 - 03/24/05  - IP#:
hi, what i do is cut up apples and dip them in a low fat dip (it is rilly good)
Reply from kiara, Age 12 - 10/29/03  - IP#:
hey um yeah you could start to eat chewys and how much do you weigh cause i'm only 12 years old and i weigh 132 puonds when just lst year i only weighed 102 so i really put on some puonds here are some ways to loose them cause i used to weight 150 and lost it the part that you don't like or least like you should work on that the most so just do jump ropes sit-ups push-ups and just basically exercise i started exercising on the 10th of september so you cN DO IT PLUS I HVE A DILY SCHEDUEL I HAVE PERSONAL FITNESS (MONDAY'S) SWIMMING (TUESDAY'S) GYM (WEDNESDAY) JUST EXERCISE AT HOME (THURSDAY) DANCING ( FRIDAY) DANCE ( SATURDAY) AND I LOST CAUSE I REALLY WANTED TO MOST PEOPLE SAY THAT MOST TEENS DON'T LOOSE WEIGHT CAUSE OPN THE INSIDE THEY REALLY DON'T BU TTHEY SEEM TO THINK THEY DO BY YOU CAN EMAIL ME AT PHATTYGURLFASHO@YAHOO.COM OR KIKIB2SWEET@HELLOKITTY.COM BUH-BYE KIKI
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 08/12/03  - IP#:
cut up veggies and put them in the fridge for an easy grab. triscuits and nutrigrain bars are good too...