From Pebbles, Age 14 - 07/21/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey i heard that Diet Cokes are bad...why?? I try to only have one a day because it really helps my cravings. I drink LOTS of water too....but that doesn't really seem to help. I drink bout 6 water bottles a day, and there a 16oz. per bottle.
Reply from me, Age 14 - 07/22/03  - IP#:
diet coke id bad for you cuz it still has sugar... plus it makes you retain water
Reply from Priscilla, Age 14 - 07/21/03  - IP#:
Some people think that the aspertame in diet coke causes cancer. new studies show that is inrelavent.
saccharin is now what they think causes cancer. but,
they still have not been able to prove that in humans.
good news though diet coke has no saccharin.
if you don't want to take my word for it do a research on saccharin and aspertame.