From ------------------------- - 06/21/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hi ...i am really fat..i just started the weight watchers diet...if you have any tips please post
Reply from Amber, Age 17 - 06/28/03  - IP#:
Try drinking a lot of water. It helps - really.
Reply from --------------------- - 06/22/03  - IP#:
5 foot 4 185..i lost 8lbs
Reply from Amber, Age 17 - 06/22/03  - IP#:
how much do you weigh? Maybe you are at the weight your body needs to be at. Maybe that is why you can't lose weight.
Reply from -------------- - 06/21/03  - IP#:
its me again...i do eat a lot of doc said fruits arent always good for you because of natural sugar...and i ride my bike lots...i just got back from bike riding
Reply from nicole, Age 14 - 06/21/03  - IP#:
well u can start by eating salads and other well balanced meals. when u snack in between meals have a fruit or a veggie...i find apricots good umm...start walking around ur neighborhood, and once u get used to walking, try power walking then some jogging. take ur time into losing ur excess weight...i know ur anxious to lose it all at once but take your time. just eat healthy (a little bit of every food group unless u r a vegan or somethin) and exercise every week. good luck with ur weight loss!!
Reply from Renee, Age 18 - 06/21/03  - IP#:
These may help some:
1)Put up pictures of yourself at your eye level on the fridge and cabinets and other places in your kitchen.
2)Make up catchy little phrases to repeat to yourself when you start craving.
3)Drink lots of water.
4)Stay outside most of the day.
5)Everyday, look at yourself in the mirror and say, "I can lose weight, I will lose weight, I will keep it off, and I will NOT give up."
Hope this helps.