From anonomus, Age 13 - 06/04/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey i am 13 and would reallly like to lsoe some weight during the summer. i would like to lose around 15-20 pounds. my problem is that my wil power isnt very strong.i need tips on how to improve that, and tips on how to lose 15-20 pounds. i have never been able to wear a 2 piece or bikini like all of my other friends because they look realy bad on me and i want to wear one to the pool at the end of the summer, even if its jsut once, i want to be able to wear one!! please respond and give me tips!!!thanks!
Reply from summer flowers, Age 14 - 06/05/03  - IP#:
I understand how you feel. I used to be overweightr and i felt the same way. U should eat tonnes of fruit, it melts the pounds, and u should have confidence in who u r. U should also try drinking lemon water it curbs your appetite and keeps u full, E-mail me later and we can talk my addie is
Reply from k, Age 16 - 06/04/03  - IP#:
Losing weight is a great goal, but I would also like to say it's not just skinny girls who can wear two-piece swimsuits. If there's a suit you like, get it, don't worry that you need to buy it in a larger size, you have to wear some sort of swimsuit; there's no reason it can't be a two piece.
Reply from Conrad, Age 16 - 06/04/03  - IP#:
Summer will be here before you know it, this will give you a great oppertunity to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors by going for walks, jogs, bike rides and even playing a favourite sport. That's what I do in the summer and I always enjoy it. Remember that you should eat lots of healthy foods (Preferably fruits, vegetables, milk products and lean meats) and stay away from fried foods and foods with lots of calories and high fat. Remember, losing weight does take time, but if you put your mind to it, then you can achieve anything and you will be satisfied with your results in the end! Good Luck!