From Lacy, Age 15 - 04/21/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Today: 136 lb (BMI %tile: 84) - Hi, I am 5'3 and 136 pounds. I am not as overweight as I used to be, but I still feel fat. I have been trying to lose weight so this one guy might like me. I really like him, and he knows it, but doesnt want to be my boyfriend. I THINK THAT IF I WOULD LOSE A LITTLE MORE WEIGHT (10 pounds or so) AND LOOK MORE APPEALING HE WOULD LIKE ME MORE AND WE COULD GO TO THE DANCE THIS COMMING FRIDAY TOGETHER!!!? I dont want to go with anyone but him and I really need to be thin because of this. I AM TO THE POINT WHERE I THINK I'LL JUST STARVE MYSELF TO LOSE SOME WEIGHT AND LOOK BETTER. ***Even if its just short-term... thats ok. I just have to look thin for awhile to get him to this dance.*** HELP ME! I dont really want to starve myself, so if there is any diet that really works... TELL ME SOMETHING I AM DESPERATE!!!!! (I'm going nuts here. I am not eating dinner! I think I'll tell my parents I have too much homework and go sleep in my room and avoid them.)
Reply from cclear_20, Age 17 - 06/02/03  - IP#:
don't change your looks because of some guy. You need to respect yourself and lose the weight for yourself. If he doesn't like you the way you are then he is obviusly not good enought for you. You can lose weight to prove to your self something but I don't think starving yourself and being thin for awhile is worth one guy you'll never end up with. you'll only get your feelings hurt when he dumps you after you gain your weight back. That is of course if you gain the weight again
Reply from Liz, Age 18 - 04/22/03  - IP#:
dont lose weight for a guy. 10lbs isnt really that much, and if he doesnt like you now he never will. He obviously is only after you physically. Hes not worth it, only lose weight for yourself girl
Reply from lisa, Age 14 - 04/21/03  - IP#:
DONT LOSE WEIGHT FOR A GUY. trust me if the guy doesnt like you now he isnt going to like you because of 10 lbs. He isnt worth it. a friend of mine was only 125lbs and her bf told her she needed to lose weight. She began to starve herself like you want to and became anerexic. Her boyfriend ended up breaking up with her while she was in rehab. When she got back to school he thought she looked great and wanted to date her. But what good is it if they only like you when you are skinny. they have to be there for you in the hard times too. dont change appearance for someone else. plz dont
Reply from waterpolo22, Age 16 - 04/21/03  - IP#:
dont starve yourself first of all that will just slow your metabolism so when you do eat all the fat you ate in the food will go straight to fat and you will get fatter, then to loose the weight join a local sports team or a team for your school and eat no or very very little candy and tons of water and exercise then if you do that you will loose weight for sure