From Nadima, Age 13 - 03/23/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hi i wanted to know, do u have any ideas for what i can eat for breakfast and dinner and lunch?? and weather buying a rowing machine will make me thinner? PLZ PLZ PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from Jenny, Age 13 - 05/23/03  - IP#:
Hey, I just wanted you to know DO NOT take any kind of pills or Medications to help lose weight, the ONLY way to lose weight is the natural way. Do daily excersises and trry to eat yogurt and instead of white bread use whold grain, Basically pretend you are diebetic. Do you know what Diebetic is? It is when your body can't handle alot of sweets. THE ONLY WAY, THE HEALTHY WAY, IS TO EAT HEALTHY AND EXCERSISE!!!
Reply from Lena, Age 12 - 03/23/03  - IP#:
for breakfastyou can eat 3/4 cup high fiber cereal, with half a banana, 1 tbls. nuts, and 2/3 cup fat free milk! or 4 egg whites scrambled, with fat free cheese and veggies! for lunch you can have a big salad with fat-free dressing! or a sandwich with whole wheat bread, lettuce, turkey or ham,tamotoe, and fat free cheese. for dinner you can have steamed veggies and white meat chicken or a big salad! and for desert some fruit like 1/2 a papaya or mango with an orange! hope this helps you! it helped me lose 20 pounds!