From ali, Age 14 - 03/07/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
i got a new swim suit and i looks so fat in it. i am not that fat, but i have gained weight so much latly!!!!!!! i hate myself! my friends eat alot so i think "if they can, i can" so i do! and before i didn't eat much and i got so thin but now its like pig out after dinner and UGH i hate myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i use to be so thin, where did i go wrong? i use to do 100 sit ups a night, but then i cute back to 100 every other night because they say its good to give your mucles a break. think i should start 100 a night again?
Reply from Pinksy1, Age 17 - 03/10/03  - IP#:
start out slowly so ur body can get used 2 it again. also vary ur exercises. such as one day do u stomach, the next ur legs, the next ur arm etc so ur body works all its muscles. good luck