From Ariel, Age 16 - 01/10/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I know there are lots of you out there who know that you should exercise, but you don't. You tell other to exercise, but don't do it yourself. Well, pick something that you like to do. Try getting some exercise videos. I like those a whole lot better than going outside and doing something, especially in the winter. There's taebo and kickboxing and yoga and pilates and walk off the weight with Leslie Sansone (for sale at Meijer for about $7), and weight lifting, and so much more. In my personal opinion, videos make exercising so much more fun. Of course there are some exercise videos that aren't very good. So you gotta shop around. I know most of you are like me and can't afford to shop around that much, so see if your local library has any exercise videos. That's where I first discovered Leslie Sansone. I think she's a good instructor. You can also go on and search for exercise videos. They always come up with a lot. But if you'd prefer an exercise book, there's plenty out there. All you gotta do is look! So for all of you wanting to lose weight, go to the library and don't be embarrassed to ask for exercise stuff. God Bless!!!
Reply from abby, Age 12 - 01/11/03  - IP#: