From J, Age 15 - 12/23/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9", Today: 330 lb (BMI %tile: 98) - I just wanted to say that you guys need to accept who you are before you do anything. Im 5'9 and 330 pounds and I know its bad for me but honestly im able to ignore peoples comments and im only trying to lose because I know its bad for me. But the first step to weight loss is accepting you who are and getting over other peopels comments. You will find it much easier to lose weight if you can ignore poepls mean comments.
Reply from Jman - 12/28/02  - IP#:
This is totally true, guys. For years I was about the same BMI but always felt horrible about myself, and lived in fear that someone would ask my weight or something. Sure enough, recently I've stopped worrying, and learned to accept myself for who I am, while eating slightly smaller portions. I've lost 2 inches and 10 pounds this way.
Reply from kyle, Age 12 - 12/24/02  - IP#:
i knowthe 1st step is to accept who y r
Reply from Michelle, Age 15 - 12/23/02  - IP#:
I think that is so true, but many people who come to this sight have accepted how they look and know they need to change, for themselves. Weightloss is a powerful tool, and with the right type of enforcement, can change a person's life. I know it has changed mine. Good luck!
Reply from abby, Age 12 - 12/23/02  - IP#:
you are telling the truth!!!