From Deliah, Age 14 - 08/03/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Does someone have any ideas on how to loose 50 pounds
in three months or less.even if you don't please
Reply from J, Age 21 - 09/26/02  - IP#:
Your 14 you dont need to loose 50lbs. in 3 months. besides, its unhealthy to loose more than 1-2 in a week.
Reply from Emma, Age 11 - 08/04/02  - IP#:
It is kinda odd but, just eat a grape fruit for lunch everyday, drink 6 glasses of water everyday, walk aforthof a mile every week, limit 2 snacks a day. And don't eat too much for breakfast!!!! it seems like alot but it isnt
Reply from JR, Age 12 - 08/03/02  - IP#:
Hay I don't think three months you can lose 50 but may be 25 because if you jog in the morning and at night
you could lose about 25 just try and see what happins
because thats hoe I lost 25 pounds and 3 months