From Rachel, Age 16 - 07/22/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
to Come On aged 17, how long did it take for u to reach ur weight goal?? and what kind of exercise did u do? what is ur diet? it will really help if u reply. thanks a lot
Reply from faith, Age 17 - 07/23/02  - IP#:
5 mounth's
Reply from Come On, Age 17 - 07/22/02  - IP#:
7 months, it took me to reach my goal, every morning i got up, and i went on the treadmill for an hour for a warm up, did worked on the weights for 2 hrs, i alternated everyday, 1 day upperbody, 1 day lowerbody, then repeated, then i did a 10 mile bike ride, and around 1hr of basketball, then around 30 minutes of cool down on the treadmill. i worked up to that from only 30 minutes on the treadmill, then at night, i do 1000 crunches. I ate cereal with milk in the morning, with a banana, and took a chromium piccolinate, which is proven to help insulin do its job, and helps metabolise food, and then i ate around5 other meals a day, mostly contaning protein, such as chicken breast, or tuna. I ate alot of fruit, and drank a little more than 2 gallons of water a day, which does help you feel full, and helps metabolise stored fat. I used to be 320, now i am 232 have a 6 pack, and can bench 310. I just started swimming more, a few laps a day, but thats gonna have to stop for now cause i start school in the fall, and i dont want to kill myself, so i guess i will have to take it lighter now, but thats what im doing to keep my figure, and basically, to loose the weight i just did the same thing, but a little bit less of a pace, working up from 30 min a day. but thats about it. I dont think my workout would help you though, because i was trying to loose weight, and bulk up at the same time and i did so, but the first few weeks, i lost around 30-40 lbs, just by drinking water, and my body adjusting to the change, but after that, it came off, pretty good. But thats what i did