From Stella, Age 12 - 07/19/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hi everybody! I NEED HELP!! LOL. I've tried a LOT of diet plans and exersicing regularly, but none of them seem to work! I'm 5ft and 127lbs....i've actually GAINED weight when i was on the diet, because I used to weigh 122lbs after a week on the diet, but before the diet i was 128lbs. Anyways, if you have any diet plans, PLEASE tell me....especially tips to work the flab of of your stomach!
Reply from Nicole, Age 12 - 07/20/02  - IP#:
hey, im exactly the same as u, i have flabs to, and i cant loose weight :( its awful aye. to get rid of flabs do siyups, cos they titin ur abs, and strenthin ur stomach, eat betta and exercise reguarly, stay away from fatty foods, and maybe b creative with ur food, by cooking a vegerterian salad, or nethang!
if u wanna talk or ask me ne questions, email me
Reply from Jay, Age 12 - 07/19/02  - IP#:
Hi. I am trying to lose weight also. I went on some websites and a lot said to eat a big breakfast, medium lunch, and small dinner. You shoul not eat a lot of sweets and try not to binge because it is bad for yor body. I hope this helps!