From Rachel, Age 16 - 07/17/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
does anyone have any suggestions on how to stop overeating?? i tried to stop so many times, but i can't help myself. if any of u know any tips, please tell me! thanx!
Reply from terry, Age 10 - 07/23/02  - IP#:
This is what I do. Step 1 I watch what I eat.Step 2 I only eat one helping of everything per meal.Step 3 when i get hungrey i eat somthin healthy.(i try not to eat every time i'm hunry)
p.s. i hope it helps,but i only weigh 110.good luck.
Reply from Sam, Age 13 - 07/18/02  - IP#:
Over eating can be a huge problem for some people. I'm one of them. I have a few things that might help you. I have a list of things I like to do, like say, painting my nails, listening to music, and swimming in my pool. I write them down on paper and put that paper on my fridge. Then when I'm going to eat something, I do something on the list instead. Also, my mom and me set up a "rewards" program. When I do something good for my diet, or skip a snack, I'll get something in return. If I lose five pounds, I might get some new lip gloss, or if I have a salad for dinner, she might let me have a friend sleep over. Well, I hope I could help. Cya later :)