From -----, Age 13 - 07/15/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I dont know about anybody else but I think its really really annoying when someone posts and says they are too fat at 130 pounds or something around there ... it also might offend a lot of people when you say "im fat I weigh 130" so please check ur stats b4 u complain ... thanks sooo much
Reply from michelle, Age 11 - 07/23/02  - IP#:
ok like first of all that might offend you, but what you say is offending me right now, because i am fat and i do way 134 ,im am checking my stats cause the caculator says that im overweight you just need to stop offending people cause they might feel fat or they might be fat, look at my age, 134 that is fat so you need to check your stats
Reply from Sukey, Age 15 - 07/18/02  - IP#:
hey ok first of all im 5 foot 4 and like about 128-130 pounds...i may not be overweight...but i feel i have every right to say i feel fat...and that i want to lose weight...or i need to lose dont go posting stuff on here about what"you" think...and yea i agree with the other people that u can be overweight if your like 4 foot 10 and 130 yeah
Reply from Rachel, Age 13 - 07/16/02  - IP#:
What if 130 is overweight for them? A 11 year old girl, 4' 10'', weighing 130! Thats overweight! It depends on alot of things.
Reply from Sarah, Age 13 - 07/15/02  - IP#:
I don't think it is offending at all. Maybe people tell them they are overweight or they feel unconfortable with themselves. This site is about feeling confortable with yourself and if they don't, then they have every right to post it.
Reply from catherine, Age 15 - 07/15/02  - IP#:
some of the people may not be overweight but want to lose weight cuz theres some flaw in there body. and i beleive that its not offending anybody because this website is bout losing weight doesnt matter if your overweight what matters is losing the weight till your satisfied so i dont agree with what you said.