From Ann, Age 13 - 07/14/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hi Im Ann. I only 13 and i have stretch marks all over my butt. Im not overwieght at all. Im 5'5 and Im 125 pounds. Im perfectly normal, except the stretch marks! Why do I have stretch marks? any suggestions on how to get rid of them?
Reply from Sarah, Age 13 - 07/14/02  - IP#:
I know exactly what your talking about! I'm same height only 4 lbs. more than you. I don't I know if I'm overweight at all..but those dumb stretch marks!! If you find a way to get rid of them please tell me! Thanks!
Reply from Michelle, Age 14 - 07/14/02  - IP#:
If your not gaining a lot of weight, the logical answer may be that, since you are developing, that your weight is shifting. It's natural, so don't worry, it's just that your growing into your 'shape', and the stretch marks will go away eventually. I think there is a type of lotion that you can put on them to make them go away faster, but I have no clue what it's called. Hope I could help!
Reply from Krissy, Age 11 - 07/14/02  - IP#:
Did you loose alot of weight at a time ever. Or you may just have some fab on your butt