From Mark, Age 16 - 07/02/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Well, we went to the doctor today. My sister now finally realized how fat she is. For a 13 year old, at 5'3", 245 pounds is just too much. She wears a really tight swimsuit, so you can see every roll of fat she has. I think she has around 5. I'm surprised that she isn't wearing my mother's bras yet. When we came home, she did nothing but eat. Her belly hangs all the way over her pants. She doesn't want to go outside, unless she goes into the pool, but she's scared then too. I think she has a 52" waist, so she is pretty big. She's right now in her pajamas, and her entire belly is bulging out. I'm really worried about her, but she never listens.
Reply from Katie, Age 14 - 07/27/02  - IP#:
Well I don't think mocking her is going to help but you could set her down and talk to her or if she doesn't listen get one of her best friends to talk to her.Just try to talk but don't make fun of her cause it would really shove her self esteem all the way to the bottom!Be a sibling and family member don't be a teaser.
Reply from Sam, Age 17 - 07/14/02  - IP#:
I sure hope you don't say the stuff you say on this board to your sister. It's really tactless and insensitive. Tell your sister you're worried about her and tell her about the health risks that she's facing and that you want to help her. If all you can do is focus on how ugly you think she is maybe you need to think about why you care about her weight in the first place.
Reply from candy, Age 14 - 07/10/02  - IP#:
hi! ask your mum to store skimmed milk, hmm.. low fat cheese balls.. and whatever low fat alternatives. better still, dun store them! and have weekend activities! can i ask you a personal question? are you doing this cuz you are embarrassed of her or really for her good?
Reply from Mark, Age 16 - 07/03/02  - IP#:
Cookies, pizza, junk food basically, cereal, milk, soda, popcorn, cheese balls.
Reply from Brian, Age 16 - 07/03/02  - IP#:
What does your sister eat in a typical day?
Reply from Mark, Age 16 - 07/03/02  - IP#:
No' im from New Jersey
Reply from Me, Age 16 - 07/03/02  - IP#:
Mark? you live in Houston and go to a certain "panther" highschool? If you do, I think we know eachother.
Reply from Mark, Age 16 - 07/03/02  - IP#:
I've talked to my parents and they are trying too. My sister knows that she is fat, but doesn't like to do anything but eat and lounge around. She really needs to get new pajamas. Her top is serving as a bra, while her belly is haning over rubbing her legs. She kinda looks like a beached whale when she lounges on the couch. I've tried sports and excersice with her, but she doesn't like it.
Reply from Smiley, Age 15 - 07/03/02  - IP#:
I guess you could talk to her, though she seems maybe a bit stubborn. Maybe you should talk to your parents about it. Maybe you should start a sport with her, so that she has fun while exercising. Hope this helps! :)