From nikky, Age 16 - 06/27/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey everyone!! i was wondering if anyone knew of a good aerobic exersize video cuz im getting sort of tired of running on my tread mill and want some if anyone knows of a good one could u please tell me? thanks a bunch!!
Reply from stephanie, Age 16 - 07/09/02  - IP#:
try zumba.. its great ....
Reply from TJT, Age 16 - 06/29/02  - IP#:
Try 10 minute solutions it is a great tape I do it every morning b4 shower and breakfast, and it really takes off the weight and there are so many options,(Like yoga, kick boxing, pilates, boot camp and ballet) It also fits into that busy day. You can pbly pick it up a you local K-Mart for 7$
Reply from rachel, Age 14 - 06/28/02  - IP#:
have u ever tried tae bo? its really good. its with billy blanks, i think, and he does exercise routines. u can choose ur level of difficulty, like kids or adults, or watever. it also has musixc playing, so u can keep up a good beat. i tried it, but get vidoes out of the library b45 u buy them, i tried some and they were too easy for me. id still do them, bgut i dont have the time. but check them out, hes really good, hope i can help!