From Natalie, Age 17 - 06/24/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Well, I haven't met my goal weight YET, I am actually just starting out. I will post LOTS of updates as I progress! I am 17, 5'9" and weigh (hold on, let me go weigh myself!) 150lbs. I remember that I weighed my all-time high of 155lbs last summer and I didn't do anything about it. Well, I will do something about it now. I am going to keep a diary and write down all the food I eat. I am alsogoing to start getting up at either 6:30 or 7 am to run a little before I go to work around 10am. I think I will eat a breakfast made up of some fruit, grains, and some kind of protein, lunch can be a sandwich with some veggies, and dinner will be less of whatever my mom makes. And I will have snacks IF I AM HUNGRY, not if I am bored. And the snacks will be healthy.
I have finally become sick of ice cream. it is a really cool thing bc I used to be bulimic and ice cream is what I would binge and purge on mostly. so now the taste of ice cream makes me feel woozy and I just don't eat it! It's great. I have such a loving bf, we are getting married after college! I ask him if he'd love me if I somehow gained 50 lbs, and he says he would...but that won't ever happen, I won't let it. lots of love, WE CAN DO IT!
Reply from i like hayden c., Age 12 - 06/30/02  - IP#:
you are not over weight at all
Reply from Giovanna, Age 14 - 06/26/02  - IP#:
Oh my Gosh...i am bulimic and i realllllly need help on how to curb my binges. I am doin a ton betta thanks to my therapist, but i'll end up binging still sumdays....what helped you stop?thanx!
Reply from shelly, Age 13 - 06/25/02  - IP#:
well good luck. my email adress is so u know, if u want sum1 to tlk too...l.see ya!