From emmy, Age 14 - 05/21/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I am 14 years old am 120 lbs and am 5'4. I am on a little bit of a diet because I want to loose some weight in my stomach. I don't have rolls or anything just this little "lip" (I guess you would call it)and I don't really like it..I mean even though its not that obvious. I have been working out (3 times a week) at my local gym with weights and on cardo machines...I also do these exercises and my "lip" is going away little by little but I don't know how to get it go to away faster...for the summer... Any ideas?
Reply from yea, Age 16 - 06/27/02  - IP#:
ugh, i know where you are coming from i have that same "lip" thing. wish i had a way to get rid of it to tell you about. keep exercising i guess