From emmy, Age 14 - 05/18/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I am 14 years old and I know I am not over weight but I want to loose some pounds. I excercise at the local gym at least twice a week and I try to eat less but I just get a craving for junk and it just messes up everything. What can I do to get rid or a craving so I can loose some weight in about a month?
Reply from candy, Age 14 - 05/21/02  - IP#:
drink diet pop, suck on sugarless sweets(they are flavoured with aspartame), or sugar free gum or drink some unsweetened green tea. if you really must must, eat yogurt.
Reply from emmy, Age 14 - 05/18/02  - IP#:
Thanks--I'll try chewing gum...I don't really like fruits so...
Reply from Kathleen, Age 13 - 05/18/02  - IP#:
When you get a craving for junk, east something sweet and healthy instead, like fruit, or chew gum