From Dawn, Age 16 - 03/10/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hi everyone! Last week I started a new diet. But on friday I got really dizzy and almost fell off the steps. I only eat 1 meal (dinner) that is about 500 calories. I excersize constantly. I should off lost about 2 pounds now and 10 by the end of the month. I know I can stick to it, it's easy. Do you guys think that there is a chance of me becoming anerexic? Do you think I can faint? Well plaese let me know what you think. Thanx
Reply from stephanie, Age 13 - 03/17/02  - IP#:
yes you will faint. stop this! It's so unhealthy!
Reply from micheal, Age 17 - 03/13/02  - IP#:
Take ana's advice, it's so true. No offense but by doing what you're doing you are abusing your diet. I read in a book healthy boys need to have 1,200 calories a week.
Reply from kara, Age 14 - 03/11/02  - IP#:
yes i think u mite!!!
Reply from ana, Age 16 - 03/11/02  - IP#:
sorry to say this, but your not gonna lose any weight.
Because you have cut your calories so drastically, which should not be under 1,200, your body is going to conserve as many calories as it can to survive, meaning , it won't burn anything but turn it into fat because ur calorie intake is so low, the excercise thing is good, but definetly not the way your eating, it could also effect ur weight loss plans in the long run because it will slow your metabolism making it even harder to lose anything, id eat a lot more if i were u, just make it healthy, like no cokes or juice, just water, potatoes (not fried), vegetables, fruit, fresh (not fried) fish, bread (wheat), ive been on this diet and have lost weight fast, i used to do what u were doing a long time ago, and i gained wieght instead of losing it, now i eat alot of healthy foods and excercise and im losin weight, remember it shouldn't be lower than 1,200 calories, your body can't take any lower.