From Nikki, Age 13 - 02/23/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hiyaz ppl I'm Nikki and I need some help. I am 13 years old, 5 feet tall and I weigh 113 pounds. I know it isn't that much because I play soccer,track,cheerleading and softball and I also do 300 sit ups/ crunches a night and also 1 mile on the treadmill. I am very active but recently I got into junk food (not many but on occasion) and I would just like some tips on losing the fat from the junk food around my waist and thighs so I can wear a bikini for my Easter break to Florida..
thanx a bunch *mwahz* ~*~Nikki~*~
Reply from allisa, Age 13 - 02/23/02  - IP#:
ur right, u really aren't over weight or at risk,but u r at risk to be at risk of being over weight. (i know it sounds confuseing) so i would just stick to the fruits and veggies, and try not to have any sweets in your house. sounds like u got the excersizing down pretty good. and now i have a question for u. i need to excersize a lil but more and i do but i really need a tread miel or however u spell that. do u own one or did u borrow it or do u go to a gym? the reason i am asking is because i found out the tread miels lose more colories for me.