From Alina, Age 13 - 11/13/01 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hey,i've been coming to this site for a while now, and have been slowly losing weight... but I just gained 5 pounds of it back by stuffing my face w/ halloween candy :-( And although I have been still trying to stick w/ my diet I just can't seem to lose more weight. And it is sooo depressing watching all of my (stick-skinny) friends eating anything they want when I can't eat anything without counting calories. Does anybody have any motivation for me about losing weight and why I should stick to my diet? I totally need help before I end up gaining back all the weight I worked so hard to lose!
Reply from CHRIS, Age 14 - 11/16/01  - IP#:
I can relate alot! My friends are all super skinny. They are like size zero.( I didn't even know that was a size)They always complain about how they're fat. I feel uncomfortable around them and feel depressed after I leave. I often wonder if they think their fat then what do they think I am?!?! If you need someone to talk to e-mail me at I am willing to talk if you need someone!
Reply from Ana, Age 15 - 11/13/01  - IP#:
I know exactly how u feel, some of my friends have perfect figures that sometimes makes me sick when i see them eating burgurs and pizza almost everday. Everyones different w/ different metabolisms.Remember guys hate anorexic girls. Anywayz its hard to help u without knowing your height and current wieght. Im 5'5' and wiegh 145lbs. My goal weight is 125. Just stick to it, and don't let that 5lbs get u down. I recommend Tae-Bo w/ Billy Blanks, its the best workout ever, every part of your body slims down. And just eat healthy, no junk food at all. Everyone wants to see results right away and that just doesn't happen, its why alot of people give up easily. It'll take at least 3months to see visual results from excercising and eating healthy.
I see alot of girls not eating and its stupid because did u know that not eating actually makes u fatter? it does, because ur metabolism slows down, and when u do eat it turns to fat. later