From Katie, Age 16 - 02/08/16 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 187 lb, Today: 187 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 125 lb - Hey there :) i'm really wanting to lose weight and i'm looking for a partner to do it with. We can help and motivate eachother. Male or female I don't mind. Communicate over snapchat, instagram or facebook. Comment below if interested:)
Reply from Samantha, Age 15 - 02/16/16  - IP#:
Could I be your partner for losing weight
Reply from Jessica, Age 20 - 02/08/16  - IP#:
Katie I was 190 lbs back in Halloween weekend, lost it since than,. you 've 62 lbs to reach your goal, I just lost a shoe size was a size 10 till renctely, now a size 9!! not quite a size 8/1/2/ yet once I lose 15-17 lbs I 'll be in the 8's for my shoes., you lose 25-30 lbs u 'll lose the extra fat on your feet.,