From Jessica, Age 19 - 01/28/15 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3.7", Start: 162 lb, Today: 176 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 118 lb - my sweet tooth got out of control twice this week. I installed an gorunning its from lose it app, its really cool! I need to start running!!, 'd like to lose 25-40 lbs by graduation, lose a jean size 2-4 dress sizes!, lose unhealthy fat on my feet, my stomach is one thing need to get smaller, I don't want to be in 200-300 lb range., 115-118 for my h.t. body type, bone type, & chest size 6/1/2-8 in women's shoes. 'd good for me!< again I 'd ask your doctor h.w. much you should weigh the BMI's re not accture, 103 lbs is for smaller frames, there 'll improments for the BMI's body mass,. I don't like the BMI charts half the time, they don't look at your body type, or chest, or bone type that's bugs me,. a lot . again I'm glad I asked doctors bout h.w. much I should weigh I was told 115-118 for 5'3.7 again I'm trying to help u guys, cause I seen confussion at times, 4'5 88-95 lbs is good range,.
Reply from rebecca, Age 15 - 01/30/15  - IP#:
I would like to be ur buddy