From megan, Age 14 - 09/15/14 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 175 cm, Start: 75 kg, Today: 76 kg (BMI %tile: 89), Goal: 50 kg - I am overweight and I will lose a few pounds with 13 of my chubby friends in my school all the girls are chubby yet all the fit boys love it ! But being fat isn't as nice as it sounds for me I live in the UK and im wearing 20 clothes or xxl its pain its all gain no lose maybe everytime I go shoping wich is every week I eat 2 MacDonalds ,KFC or burger king lunch and tea chocolates coke a least 6 cans then we go to the cinema and have an XL popcorn each im from a family of seven and I don't think my mum notices because she is always with the little kids never mind oh well who cares :)  (Note: 175 cm, 76 kg is 5'9", 167 lb.)
Reply from Henry, Age 13 - 11/18/14  - IP#:
I'm in uk too and I'm overweight and I want to lose it reply to on this then I'll give you my email