From Jessica, Age 16 - 06/20/12 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 153.6 lb (BMI %tile: 92), Goal: 104 lb - I am finally out of the 160's!!!! holy cow!! I am so exicted !!!! I have lost 12 lbs from my heavest 165 lbs two years ago!!!! I weigh betewwn 150-153 lbs!! I am almost 150's!!! very exicted about that!!!!!!!!!! that took time effort and lot of patinces and fighting!!!! I even looked up calories online when eating out or eating at home!!! I been doing a lot of running around!!!! ,,, I was like wow!!!! ,, I haven't weighed 153 lbs since I was 13)1)2) years old!!!! I am almost a size Juniours 12!!!!! can't wait to be 25 lbbs lighter by August!! when I hopefully return to my favorite teen servce group!! I am going to be mid 130's!!!!! I want to look good in sweatshrits!! and my jeans!!!!! I hope to be 45 smaller by November!!! 153 - 45= 108 lbs!!!! is the exact, ,, !!!!! weight I want to weight cause my doctors told me that is healthy 104-108 I was told is healthy weight ranges!!!!!! ! ,, I know I can defeat my cravings on Saturday for my niece's 4th brithday party!!!!!!!!!
Reply from Sabrina, Age 13 - 06/20/12  - IP#:
OMG JESS!!! congrads! you`ve worked so hard and you really deserve this, you are such an amazing person Jessica, you truly are! I hope the rest of your journey is easy for you! Can`t wait to hear your sucses story, its gonna be a good one! And again Congrads!
I wish the best of luck Jess, your doing a great job!
Whatever tomorrow brings, I`ll be there...<3