From Layla, Age 13 - 04/09/12 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 132 lb, Today: 165 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 120 lb - Heyya everyone:) I haven't posted anything in a while.
My weight-loss has really sucked lately! Because I'm in England, Easter has just passed. Well a couple of weeks before easter my dad brought 6 chocolate eggs from the shops because they were 'cheap'. I have eaten three of them and the rest of my family ate the rest. Also other people in my family brought me eggs aswell(so I scoffed the lot). I'm afraid to say that this had made my weight sky high and i've put on 33lbs!!!!! I'm really depressed but after the holidays my mum's decided that we all need to go on a diet! Also the other day my mum said we needed a 'chat' (you know this is a bad thing). She said that I was getting a bit tubby round the stomach area. I was really embarrassed!!!
Good Luck Everyone:D
Layla xxxxxxx
Reply from Holly, Age 13 - 04/11/12  - IP#:
I hate Easter to
Reply from Layla, Age 13 - 04/10/12  - IP#:
Thanks Jessica!! You really inspire me to carry on!!
The thing is though I do have a relitively healthy diet and I do over 10 hours of excercise per week! Oh yeah I live in England and we don't have that dELIA'S shop or anything and we also have different sizings so I don't really know what you mean when you talk about clothes!!
Thanks again,
Layla xxxx
P.S I really want to talk to you on chat so when do you normally go online??
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 04/09/12  - IP#:
Layla weightloss is a learning cruve , I only ate a few of pieces of Easter candy, drink lots of water,, remember small healthy portions eat a lot griled or steamed vegtables or eat them raw, furits, lean meat 85%-90% it ok, I have messed on Easter many times, I only ate what I like in small portions, so I wouldn't eat to much, instead of 3 chocolate eggs, eat one, and put the rest away or ask your mom or dad to hide them,, it ok,, we all mess up on our deits, I am trying to get back on track,, for excriseing , walking, jump rope, slow running, cut everything you eat in half, save for it for later or the next day, I know you can do this, I weighed the same weight 165 lbs. I was 5'2 as well, I was 14. What I did was I changed my eating habits and started to excriseing, my friends support me, and my mom, you just need to get back on track once you lose 10-15 you want to treat yourself with lip gloss, 20-25 hair accoriess, 30-35 new clothes, 40-45 a whole new warjobe of clothing, why not try dELIA's when you reach half of your goal!!! new shrots, tank tops, 13-collage they have nice sales laides, they will ask how are you? do you need anything? .. Trsut me they are really great clothing for teens and collage age students. Don't give up!!!