From Jessica, Age 16 - 12/05/11 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 104 lb - I fell off the wagon last night I find it disturbeing to be doing that,ugh,I just want to be healthy,weight, between 104-127 pounds.. I am sick of being overweight,I mean last weekened I did not fall off the wagon, does anyone fall off the wagon once in a while? Im nervss of putting the weight back on.
I mean Christmas Eve meals portions scare and Christmas Day dinner,I binge I am not doing that this year,it is going to be difftrent! dersserts I will eat one! I usually end up eating 3-4.
Merry christmas
I went back on track today.
Reply from Katie, Age 14 - 12/07/11  - IP#:
Ugh, I fall off the wagon all the time. But just pick yourself back up and realize tomorrow is a new day, also have a fat day. I have a fat day on Saturday, which means I can eat unhealthy foods that I have been craving all week. It does help!
Reply from Maddie, Age 13 - 12/05/11  - IP#:
ITS OKAY to fall a few times. Just keep your head up.
Reply from Abbie, Age 15 - 12/05/11  - IP#:
Don't stress yourself, it's not good for you (can make you gain weight) just do what you have been doing, mostly on Christmas we eat good food like shrimp and greens beans, try that for size, I've noticed that you've been doing so well when goes to your weight loss, keep it up!
Reply from Lucy, Age 15 - 12/05/11  - IP#:
It's okay to fall of every once in a while! Nobodys perfect and we're human(: Just make sure to get back on and keep going! You've already lost 12lbs, which is awesome!