From Nicole, Age 17 - 06/22/10 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 216 lb, Today: 216 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 150 lb - I need some serious motivation to lose weight, but it's like, i'm okay with being fat. I have the confidence to strut my stuff, i've never let my weight affect my potential. I mean, i'm on my school's drill team, and i'm really good. But always in the back of my mind, and at home, is my grandma yelling at me to lose weight so i can be pretty. I always felt that i was pretty how i was, but i also know that what i weigh is unhealthy. I want to lose weight for my health, that was i won't have those weak moments of being jealous of my skinny friends or i can feel good about exercising. I want to be more active. I want to go shopping and not be worried about finding something in my size or about if it will look good because of my shape. But, everytime i try to get health, i quit. I lose all motivation. I need help. What are somethings that kept y'all motivated. I need more than one thing to keep me focused. Please and Thank You.
Reply from Rose, Age 16 - 06/29/10  - IP#:
I know exactly what you mean. I know that my weight isn't healthy, and I don't feel comfortable in it when I see some pictures or when I go shopping. Plus my sister is a size zero. I know I'm pretty, but i know i could be very attractive if i lost the extra weight. I want to be healthy, active, and beautiful. I too have awful motivation and always seem to make excuses, or use my 'confidence'(telling myself I'm perfect the way i am etc) to override what i know must be done to get healthy.
This is why I'm searching for an online pen-pal weight-loss buddy. I think it'd be great to have a support buddy who's going through the same thing I am, and would be able to help me stay on track, and I would do the same for them. If you're interested email me!
Reply from Juliette, Age 17 - 06/22/10  - IP#:
Wowie. I'm almost tempted to say stay as you are and don't change a thing. Your confidence and ability to see things clearly is astounding. Keep that up regardless of others around you, and regardless of the "weak" moments. No matter what your weight, confidence is sexy! =D Awesome, keep that up!
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 06/22/10  - IP#:
wow i can totally compare in sooo many ways to that...well as you said your on the drill team that can be some of your exercise a day just find some other fun things to all you have to worry about is eating a little less...i stop eating so much that when i go to eat just a little more than usual my stomach starts to hurt quick ouchh...sooo my advice to you is to get eat less and find a little more cardio in your day : )