From stace, Age 18 - 06/03/10 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5.5", Start: 181 lb, Today: 181 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 115 lb - So currently I'm 127.2 pounds. Yaaaaaaah! :D I started my weight loss yesterday and I lost .8 pounds after gaining that throughout May. I literally did not exercise much nor ate healthy during May and I do not know whats got into me! But its okay because June is here for the rescue! lol. I'm hoping to lose at least 7 pounds this month (till I get down to 120)! I know that will be hard but definitely not impossible if I put in as much effort into my exercise and eating regimes. Anyhow, so I'm off to go get some groceries and I will be updating you guys next week. :D I also have a question, now that I'm closer to my weight goal its been really hard to control my cravings, I was wondering what are any tricks that you guys use? Thanks in advance! :D xxxxxx
Reply from stace`, Age 18 - 06/05/10  - IP#:
Hey Joceyln, I don't really count calories but I eat about three small meals throughout the day and drink lots of water with lots of tangerines, raisins, and cranberries. :)
Reply from Jocelyn, Age 19 - 06/03/10  - IP#:
thats amazing seriously!!! Just curious, how many calories do you eat a day? Also, I get really bad cravings too. I just do the portion control thing. For example, if I am craving ice cream, I will have 1 scoop and fill the rest of my bowl with fruit (strawberries are really good!). That way, I still get ice cream but the bowl is full so it doesnt feel like I am depriving myself. Or if I am craving chocolate, I just eat a little chocolate bar which is only 50-80 calories (usually). I hate cravings though!