From Jenna (:, Age 14 - 01/30/10 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 162 lb, Today: 140 lb (BMI %tile: 79), Goal: 115 lb - You know what I hate when like all my friends are talking about how. fat they are when they are really skinny , and if I ever say anything about how I need to lose weight they like lecture me .
Reply from stace, Age 18 - 01/29/10  - IP#:
Wow! I totally know what you are talking about!! Like my friends always rant on saying "don't get anymore skinner! you look great. Maintain your weight. Just don't lose anymore fat" lol. I'm like suuuuure. They lecture me about it when they themselves are here on a weight control mode. I just stop mentioning weight loss around them and it weared off. But from time to time they still bring up the question "why are you trying to get skinny". Which is such a vague question because, 1. I'm not trying to get skinny and 2. its my personal choice. Its like me asking them "why are you hardly eating your burrito?". Anyways just don't let them get to you! You are at my mini weight goal being 140. I envy you! :P Keep up the good job!
Reply from Taylor, Age 16 - 01/30/10  - IP#:
Girls tend to be that way. Our own worst critics and then we tend to overreact when others say self-deprecating things. Easy thing to do, is simply not mention weight loss around them, and try and ignore when they talk about it. A lot less drama that way.