From Michelle, Age 15 - 01/07/09 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 225 lb, Today: 218 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - Well... Haven't stopped by here in a while. I really need to start losing weight. It's depressing when your entire group of friends are dating guys, and you aren't. I want to feel better, and look better. I did some basketball and tennis today, but still... I need to do more. I just can't find the motivation to exercise. I feel fat, I am fat... I'm doing better with my binge eating disorder (I'm an out patient at a treatment center) so that's good; I'll be out of there in a couple weeks. That'll be after around 4 months there. Still, everyone else there weighs almost less than one hundred. I need to talk to people who aren't trying to GAIN weight. Help? Motivation? Tips?
Reply from Megannx3, Age 15 - 01/11/09  - IP#:
Story of my life, i realllly do need to start cracking down, its so difficult lol, my friends are gawgeous, and all the guys get close to me then ask me to talk them up to my friends.
I feel like i'm a character in a lame book. uh!
Reply from michael, Age 16 - 01/11/09  - IP#:
lolzzz u can find a date. Ther are guys that like fat girls u kno i beng one of them would kno. I meen were out there i have a cupple friends that like fat girls. Dount be doun onyourself be confedent it alot mor atractive. Hit me up if u dount believe me
Reply from Michelle, Age 14 - 01/08/09  - IP#:
Don't feel bad I'm in the same boat but if you think about it you probably haven't find a good guy because if you had weight wouldn't be am issue
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 01/07/09  - IP#:
I understand how you feel. Everyone wants to feel better about themselves. Suggestions:
Drink 6-8 cups of water each day (cups not glasses)
Eat 2-4 servings of fruit
Eat 4-5 servings of vegetables
Eat lots of grain, but make sure you aren't eating white bread-go whole wheat.
Exercise for 30-60 minutes a day...simply walking on the tredmile is good.
At our age we should be drinking 3 cups of milk a day---and if you're like me and you don't like milk find some calcium pills or something...I force milk down my throat each morning, after school, and at night...yeah, I gag a little bit but it'll be worth it when I'm 60 and all my friends have osteoperosis and I don't.
Finding motivation to exercise is VERY hard, I know that. It just seems boring, and tiresome, and it IS. But you have to go in with a goal. Say, "I want to lose 5 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks or 5 pounds in 5 weeks." Start out small and then when you reach your goal, say it again, "I want to lose 5 more pounds", and so on and so forth. The thing is NEVER stop exercising. Because once you stop, you don't start back up again for a while...that's my number one mistake.
Get your family in on the diet/exercise too. My mom said to me today "Melissa...if you just lost some weight, you'd be drop-dead-gorgeous." Comments like that don't help one's self-esteem. So talk to your parents about it, tell them you want to lose weight, and that comments like that make you feel insecure...I just finished discussing with my mom on how things like that and comments like that are hurtful. And she apologized and said she'd start buying healthy food to help me, and the family. So get your family in on it. (Sorry this is so long!)
Good luck...good luck to all of us actually. I hope we all reach our goal weight... My goal this year? Find the perfect jeans and high heels--after I do my other goal-get to goal weight. Good luck :)